Donation Helped Over 50 People

Donation Helped Over 50 People

Shooting victim’s organ donation aids 50 While organ donation may get much of the spotlight, advocates say donation of tissue and eyes are just as vital and that a single donor can help dozens of people. GILLETT – The letter arrived a little more than 15 months...

Natalie Bolin

It was Feb. 20, 2010. Natalie Bolin – along with two friends and her younger sister – were returning home from the Wisconsin boys state high school championship swim meet in Madison, where they had cheered on teams from the Fox Valley. The car hit black ice on the...

Larry Caraway

Larry Caraway: “You know I love you, Mom”From his Mom, Debra Griffin The morning of June 27, 2009 started out as usual with the kids arguing over who’s going to listen to what on which radio station. Being the oldest of seven, Larry pretty much thought things should...

Bryan Legler

Jan Legler loves talking about her son Bryan – how he lit up a room with his smile, his caring and compassionate nature, his love of hunting and fishing, and how he always helped others. His love of lending a hand was even evident after he took his own life in June of...
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